Be Careful Little Children What You Say.....on Social Media

Want to share an update? How do you feel? 

What’s happening? Are you at XYZ Restaurant/Bar/Club? 

These are questions that we see every time we open up 

our Social Media Apps. We’re encouraged to share 

our innermost thoughts and feelings with all of our 

friends. Unfortunately, over sharing is a very real thing 

on Social Media sites. Maybe you’re just frustrating a 

friend with a rant or 1 more picture of Fluffy the 

cat licking her paws in the most absurd place in your home. 

Maybe you’re talking about the people that frustrate you most. 

I often look at posts and preface what someone is saying 

with, “Dear Public Diary,”. While it may be fun or freeing to 

say what we feel and have other people validate it or even 

argue it, sometimes over sharing can cost you a relationship or 

even a job. A job????? Don’t believe it? Well check out the link 

below from about 20 people that lost their jobs 

over Social Media posts: 

Dee-Dee Mathis

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